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- Interpretive Planning
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Strategic Partners:
- Ian C. McLennan Consulting
- Bill Peters Consulting
Team Members
- Bliss Creative
- Jill Randerson Exhibit Management
- Playful Content
- Eos Lightmedia
- BBI Net
- Trivium Interactive
- Dillon Works
- Chicago Scenic Solutions
- Kidzibits
A curated collection of telescopes housed under a roll-off room. This observation space provides visitors a first-hand look into the wonders of the sky.
The Giovale Open Deck Observatory at Lowell Observatory features a roll back building that allows the use of telescopes at night, while sheltering them when they’re not in use. This public observing plaza features six advanced telescopes that collectively give you a viewing experience that allows visitors to see rich star fields and planets full of color, to nebulae and galaxies that reveal obvious structure.
The Giovale Open Deck Observatory also features exhibits that highlight the science of spectroscopy, the types of telescopes astronomers use and how to preserve dark skies in Arizona and beyond. A set of six plinths along the perimeter of the observing plaza align to the locations of the Sun during sunrise and sunset on the equinoxes and solstices. Complemented by the interpretive signage, the Giovale Open Deck Observatory is so much more than a place where you can go to look through a telescope.
Smithsonian Magazine
The Most Anticipated Museum Openings of 2024
"We have been working with Bill and Juan for several years on a complex master plan that includes an enormous capital project. With their help, we've created a vision that has been incredibly compelling to foundations and individual donors, and the experience we will offer in our new visitor center will be unparalleled anywhere in the world. I am grateful for all they've done for our project and have been delighted to have them as part of our team.”
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